The content, inclusive of text, graphics, images, live, streamed, or recorded audio and video, free or paid, services, programs, educational items, and any other material (“Products”) present on this website or created by Electric Living (“Creator”), is solely for informational purposes and should not be considered as a replacement for medical or professional advice. None of the materials on this site or produced by the Creator are intended to substitute customized professional or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment tailored to individual needs. It is crucial to consult a qualified professional or medical provider for any queries related to a particular issue, condition, or treatment, and prior to embarking on a new health care or self-care routine. It is advised not to disregard professional or medical advice or delay seeking it based on information obtained from this website. Electric Living adheres to a principle of radical individual responsibility in navigating life and business, and expects its users to do the same. Therefore, it is your individual responsibility to acquire knowledge from reputable sources to determine the most suitable course of action for your circumstances.
The terms “healing” and "medicine" as used by Electric Living do not imply treatment, cure, or diagnosis of medical conditions. By accepting information from Electric Living, you acknowledge that the Creator is not licensed as a counselor or a healthcare practitioner/provider/physician.